

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6 NKJV

Prayer is a powerful tool that you can use to change your world and change yourself. God hears every prayer and responds in His own way and according to His own timetable. He isn’t Uber Eats or DoorDash.

When you make a habit of consulting Him about everything, He’ll guide you along a path of His choosing, which, by the way, is the path you should take. And when you ask Him for strength, He’ll give you the courage to face any problem and the power to meet any challenge.

Daily prayer and meditation are matters of will and habit. You have probably heard Loretta say that during Miracle Morning. It all connects!

You must willingly organize your time by carving out quiet moments with God, and you must form the habit of daily prayer. When you do, you’ll discover that no time is more precious than the silent moments you spend with your heavenly Father.

Have you ever heard, "that if you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got?" If you want to change, start by adding prayer into today...into this moment.

“A prayerful heart and an obedient heart will learn, very slowly and not without sorrow, to stake everything on God Himself.” - Elisabeth Elliot

Our Prayer: Dear Lord, I will open my heart to You. I will take my concerns, my fears, and my hopes to You in prayer. And then, I will trust the answers that You give. You are my loving Father, and I will accept Your will for my life today and every day that I live. Amen.

Today's Promise was provided by "365 Daily Promises and Prayers for Women," by Worthy Inspired (April 24, 2012). This 365 daily devotional for women will remind you of the eternal promises found in God's Word and draw you closer with prayer each day (order your copy here).

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