


What is an Ambassador of Grace, and Who will make up the 12 Grace Ambassadors?

Ambassadors of Grace is a body of twelve Christian BELIEVERS that make up ONE MATURE MAN IN CHRIST. As a unified body (ONE), THEY COLLECTIVELY possess:

  1. An authentic and genuine LOVE for the God and Father of Jesus Christ.
  2. Know that we are predestined to be conformed into HIS image.
  3. Know that it is God who is at work in us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure,
  4. Know we’ve ALL been called to reign and rule on Earth as it is in Heaven.
  5. Commit to the premise Winner Helps ALL and the promise of Each One, Reach One, Teach One.
  6. The Ambassadors are THE DAO Brain Trust, responsible for launching the Reachers of Teachers.
  7. Confirm and finalize and launch the KINGDOM Empowered DAO Blueprints.
  8. Oversee, organize, and empower the Engineers, Builders, Contractors, and Sub-Contractors.

The KINGDOM Empowered Ambassador Program

  1. KINGDOM Empowered “Ambassadors” are sanctioned “Servant Leaders” of the KINGDOM Empowered DAO. There are 12 Ambassadors.
  2. A KINGDOM Empowered Ambassador is a “volunteer” envoy whose goal is to serve the best interest of the 300 Master Node Holders of the KINGDOM Empowered for as long as the Master Node Holders desire.
  3. KINGDOM Empowered Ambassadors act as dedicated and committed “stewards” over the KINGDOM Empowered Project.
  4. Ambassadors are recommended by one of the 300 Master Node Holders but “elected” by the DAO Quorum before volunteering to serve at least one (6) month term. There are no term limits.
  5. Ambassadors are the official and only “sanctioned advisors” to the DAO and Master Node Holders.
  6. Ambassadors are humble and “trustworthy people” who promise to be good learners/students, good listeners, receptive to ideas, and nonjudgmental before the facts are presented.
  7. Ambassadors are “unselfish people” who sincerely value and appreciate all people, are empathetic, and always encourage others to be their best version.
  8. Ambassadors create a culture of trust, creativity, and endless possibilities through “community.”
  9. Ambassadors “share power”; they put the needs of others; first, they’re willing to learn from others, and they easily forsake personal advancement and selfish ambition to serve the DAO members.
  10. Ambassadors concentrate on leading the DAO through performance planning, coaching, and helping ALL people fulfill their passion for humanity and achieve their life dreams.

To JOIN KINGDOM Empowered as an Ambassador, please provide your contact info HERE.

About the Author:
Craig Rogers
Craig Rogers

Grace Coach

Craig Rogers has been a Christ-centered leader in the...

Craig Rogers has been a Christ-centered leader in the behavioral health industry for the past 25 plus years. Craig Rogers is an...