
Imagine being set free from all of that garbage… and REJOICE!

The satan can only operate through self. The satan can’t create, has no imagination, and is blind and the king of chaos and the father of darkness. He is deaf, blind, and dumb. The satan is the self who crouches to oppose, the self that opposes God’s goodness and instead condemns and shames. The satan is the accuser and can only lie. The satan cannot create or produce anything. He has no prophecy or understanding or discernment. He lost everything in the fall, he can only oppose and accuse love. The satan is hate.

The satan is insecure and always jealous; he never measures up or will never measure up. The satan is a dried-up, withering twig to be discarded, burned, and never remembered. Satan can only accuse others of the same because it is all he knows. The satan is the uninvited “self,” the voice in our heads that judges, complains, condemns, feelings of shame, and self-hatred, especially for God’s goodness.

The answer against “self” is RADICAL GENEROSITY. RADICAL GENEROSITY crushes every part of SELF

“Self” caused all evil and all bad to exist. We were made in God’s image. The satan can’t create, he can only lie. He will trick anyone into doing his bidding. The satan is the trickster, always shaming and condemning through “self.” He is a trespasser and does not have any true authority. The satan operates through flesh, corrupted flesh, which can only happen when people live through self, sensuality, and lust, which is the self. The satan’s seed is the “self,” “self” opposes God, and the “self” is an accusing voice of hate and horror deep within the soul.

We do not succumb to people’s emotions or sensuality, which is of this world, earthly and demonic. “Self” is the only landing spot for the satan to conduct his trickery. Without “self,” the satan cannot operate, there’s nothing for him to operate from. Jesus called us to RADICAL GENEROSITY. He said to deny ourselves, to pick up our cross, and to follow Him. He would not have commanded us to follow Him if could not follow Him.

The satan is full of self, doubt, unbelief, and judgment. As such, the satan is an unclean spirit representing ugliness, rot, decay, and death. The satan represents unrighteousness. Jesus’ act of RADICAL GENEROSITY delivered us from all unrighteousness. God is RADICAL GENEROSITY, and in LOVE, He sent Jesus, His first Son of the New Creation, to be sin for us. God did this while we were sinners, enemies of God, full of self.

When a person follows Jesus and lives a life of RADICAL GENEROSITY, he or she has crucified “self” and now lives the resurrected life as a new creation, living in and from the Father’s heart and imagination, which is filled with power and love. Love is selfless. There is no self in love. Love, through RADICAL GENEROSITY, crushes self and destroys sin.


The Reset of Humanity HAS HAPPENED! We’ve been rebooted IN CHRIST. Jesus is at the Father's right hand, reigning through the throne of Grace, and in first place in all things, over all things, in all things, as the fullness of God. The Kingdom of God is at hand!

The Kingdom of God has come! The Reboot of Heaven on Earth. New Eden. New Jerusalem. Jesus, the firstborn among the dead. Jesus is the REBOOT of Humanity. Jesus is the only one who can reset humanity, and He did, through faith in His Father, faith beyond the cross.

Jesus’ great reboot or reset of humanity came at a great price. Jesus gave up Himself in RADICAL GENEROSITY, and as a consequence, He gave birth to the Church, His Church, and His Body, WHICH IS US. Through RADICAL GENEROSITY, Jesus gained the final victory over death and reconciled EVERYTHING back to the Father. Jesus sustains all things, is over all things, and has ultimate authority over humanity. At the cross, Jesus rebooted us.

As a consequence, we now know the truth. For example, we now know that God treasures us and Loves and adores us. The Father created us and knew us intimately, better than we know ourselves or each other. Jesus reconnected us to our original purpose: to be in His image, which is love. God is now transforming us into His image, which is love.

Jesus reconnected everything to God, the Father, the only life source. Jesus, the true firstborn, emptied Himself, trusted God, and was resurrected to eternal life. Jesus said, “Follow Me!” Jesus said, “Abide IN ME!” It’s a choice, ultimately. Choose God and eternal life through the forgiveness of sins, a free gift of Grace through Jesus…. Or… choose “self,” choosing “our own way.” Trust God, or trust “self?”

Adam lost what Adam was. Jesus, the invisible image of God, came in the image and likeness of God. Jesus is the reboot of humanity, the new creation, the first new divine human, the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. We are made in the image of God, making us imagers of Christ. Jesus is the new creation, and we are His new creation. Jesus came to REBOOT to reset, redeem, reclaim, and restore what was lost: us, God’s creation, and His family.

In Christ, we have an identity REBOOT. Instead of being in the likeness of Adam, or “self,” as a new creation IN CHRIST, we have a new identity, an identity reboot. IN CHRIST, we become the image of God, who is love. IN CHRIST, we are transformed by love to become love. IN CHRIST, we die to ourselves and become alive for the first time, born again.

The Apostle Paul called us to put on Christ, to have Jesus’ very own mindset, and to BE CHRIST. Jesus completely emptied himself out and trusted God completely. Through faith, through one act of RADICAL GENEROSITY, through the cross, Jesus conquered “self” and destroyed darkness once and for all. REJOICE, be thankful, and shout out with eternal PRAISE.

In RADICAL GENEROSITY, Jesus laid down His life for us, trusting His Father to raise Him from the dead. Consequently, God has launched His new creation. Through RADICAL GENEROSITY, we are glorified IN CHRIST, coheirs with Christ, coheirs over all creation.

About the Author:
Craig Rogers
Craig Rogers

Grace Coach

Craig Rogers has been a Christ-centered leader in the...

Craig Rogers has been a Christ-centered leader in the behavioral health industry for the past 25 plus years. Craig Rogers is an...